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Around the world, home health nurses provide care for individuals, support families and interact with communities. Research and evidence-based practice are important components of home health nursing and bring value to our profession and specialty. The IHCNO is interested in fostering relationships with and between researchers or clinicians that investigate the quality of home health care and home health nursing within the international community. We are especially interested in research related to the International Guidelines for Home Health Nursing. For more information about the Research Committee and its work, email


  1. Create a network of home health nurse researchers dedicated to research and scholarship within home health setting and academia.
  2. Foster the collaboration among researchers within or across countries to conduct research related to the Guidelines and other areas of interest to home health nurses.
  3. Showcase current projects or research that feature one or more topics that promote the science of home health nursing and augment knowledge development and dissemination of the Guidelines (See Guideline #9, Evidence Based Practice/Research).
  4. Advise home health nursing researchers on available grant funding and research conferences.

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2025 IHCNO

Marilyn D. Harris Research Grant

The purpose of the funding is to provide seed money, pilot funding, or total funding for research with promising contributions to home care nursing.  

For more information and the application, 

Click Here

Announcement from the Research Committee and Board of Directors


2024  Marilyn D. Harris Home Care Nursing Research Grant Award

Aim of Study:  

Our study aims to utilize the latest generation of Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods, specifically large language models (LLMs), to efficiently extract pertinent infection risk factors from clinical notes, guided by the Omaha Nursing Problem System. We expect to produce a comprehensive structured vocabulary list of Omaha nursing terms. This improved list will enhance the organized electronic health record (EHR) data. As a result, it will provide a better chance of developing a more accurate infection risk model specifically for home health care (HHC), finally strengthening the support for nurses working in home health care and improve the quality of patient care.

                                            Primary Investigator:  

I am Zidu (Miranda) Xu, a second-year nursing PhD student at Columbia University.  Currently, I am co-advised by Dr Maxim Topaz and Dr Jingjing Shang. Before pursuing my PhD, I obtained a Master of Medicine, majoring in Medical Informatics, and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. My research focuses on the intersection of home healthcare and cutting-edge data science applications.

Zidu (Miranda) Xu

2023 Home Care Nursing Research Award

Name of Study: Perspectives of Nurses about Essential Competencies Needed to Transition into Hospice Home Care Nursing"

The Primary Investigator is Joshua Muliira DNP RN CNE MEDSURG-BC, Associate Professor of Nursing with a specific interest in Medical-Surgical Nursing and Adult Health Nursing. Joshua’s prior research has focused on family caregivers for patients with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and interventions to enhance home care outcomes for patients with chronic health problems.

The co-investigator is Debra Siela PhD RN ACNS-BC CNE RRT, Associate Professor in the Baccalaureate and Master's Nursing programs with an emphasis on Adult Health Nursing, Pathophysiology, and Nursing Research. Debra is a Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist and has conducted research on fall risk for acutely ill patients and family presence during resuscitation.

Both are faculty in the Department of Nursing at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana (USA).



Bringing Nursing Home: Examining the Effectiveness of Home Care Simulation Among Practicing Home Care Nurses

The PI is Jodi Sutherland PhD RN ACNR, Clinical Associate Professor at Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, at Binghamton University, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Johnson City, New York.

Co-investigators are Deborah Palmer MS RN, Dr. Lori Sprague PhD RN CHSE, and Patti

Reuther MS RN CHSE, all at Decker College of Nursing.



A Study of Sleep Environments in Home Healthcare Settings: Development of a Survey to Measure Environmental Factors Contributing to Sleep in the Home

Jessica K. Salwen-Deremer, PhD


Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Medicine (Section of Gastroenterology & Hepatology)

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Cassandra M. Godzik, PhD APRN PMHNP-BC

Primary Investigator

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center


A Study of Home Health Care Nursing Outcomes Quality Indicators in Thailand using Delphi Technique

Werayuth Srithumsuk, RN, PhD
Principal Investigator
Faculty of Nursing Science, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University
Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University


Onouma Thummapol, RN, PhD
Faculty of Nursing Science
Assumption University

Gunyadar Prachusilpa, RN, PhD
Faculty of Nursing
St. Louis College

Weha Kasemsuk, RN, APN, EdD
Faculty of Nursing
Mahidol University


Principal Investigator and Co-investigators

(Left to Right)

– Werayuth Srithumsuk (PI) is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Nursing Science, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, Thailand. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Nursing at Health Promotion System Sciences Laboratory, Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University. His research interests include home health care, psychosocial gerontology, and stroke in the older adults.

– Onouma Thammapol (Co-PI) is a New Investigator and Lecturer in the Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University, Thailand. Her research interests are in the areas of aging, healthcare access and health inequities among vulnerable populations, including minority older adults.

– Gunyadar Prachusilpa (Co-PI) is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College, Thailand. Her research interests are nursing administration, nursing ethical issues, nursing outcomes quality indicators, and nursing competencies.

– Weha Kasemsuk (Co-PI) is an Assistant Professor and Associate Dean in the Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University. His research interests are chronic care, primary/first aid care, older adult and lifelong learning, and occupational health.


Susan Hinck PhD APRN GCNS-BC (Chair)

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, Gerontological Clinical Nurse Specialist Community Health Nurse, Springfield-Green County Health Department

Susan Hinck Consulting LLC

Springfield, Missouri, USA

Mary Curry Narayan PhD RN HHCNS-BC CTN-A

Home Health Clinical Nurse Specialist Board Certified 

Certified Transcultural Nurse-Advanced

Narayan and Associates, Virginia, USA  

Andrew Finney PHD RN Dip BSc (Hons)

Senior Lecturer & Researcher

Faculty Research Theme Lead 

School of Nursing and Midwifery and School of Medicine, Keele University,

Staffordshire, UK

Barbara Piskor MPH RN NEA-BC

BKP HealthCare Resources, LLC
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Barbara Polivka PhD RN FAAN
Associate Dean, Research
University of Kansas Medical Center
School of Nursing

Kansas City, KS, USA

Jingjing Shang PhD RN FAAN OCN

Professor of Nursing 

Columbia University Medical Center

New York, New York, USA

Khairul Dzakirin Bin Rusli BSc (Hons1) Dip RN

Research Associate & PhD Candidate

Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies,

Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,

National University of Singapore,


Rebecca Sharp PhD BHSc (Hons) BN

Senior Lecturer in Nursing

Clinical and Health Sciences

University of South Australia

Adelaide, South Australia

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