A message from the IHCNO President
Plans are underway for a 3-day hybrid in-person/virtual conference in London in Spring 2026. We will provide details in coming months but I want to give you early notice so you can place the conference on your calendar. This will be an opportunity to come together in person, share our personal experiences, and make long-term connections. The Conference Planning Committee is seeking IHCNO members to serve in workgroups related to the program agenda, continuing professional education recognition, budget, and marketing. Please email me at info@IHCNO if you are interested in assisting with the conference.
Two important events in the near future are the President’s Forum on February 11 and the IHCNO annual members’ meeting on March 20. Additional information about each event is listed in the Calendar below. I look forward to seeing you at these events.
Susan Hinck, PhD, APRN, GCNS-BC
President, International Home Care Nurses Organization
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2025 Webinar 4: Improving Care Coordination and Information Transfer During Transitions of Care for Sepsis SurvivorsWed |
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International Guidelines
The International Guidelines for Home Health Nursing Practice (Guidelines) are guiding principles for nurses who aspire to provide excellent care to patients in their homes. The Guidelines were developed by international home care nurses from diverse countries to provide guidance to nurses around the globe who seek to develop their professional home healthcare practice and performance.